
[trophies] beseech the goblin.

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[trophies] beseech the goblin.


The Goblin's in the business of trafficking your next hit. Paper-pills, the drug you thought you didn't need. Nevermind the naysayers who call our origami factory a sweatshop. Those people are just child-labor protestors. In fact the goblin loves the work. Right goblin? (Muffled sounds behind duct-tape). Anyway. Somehow for the right exchange of gold this extraordinary deal is entirely legal, and for a small onetime fee you too can bring your favorite characters or ideas to life... all you need is water for the ride—we'll bring the "sweat" to sweatshop.

basic $75. quick and easy, the goblin would be delighted to write a quick story with following 1) character w/brief description, 2) 1 thing important to character and 3) what you want story about.

deluxe $200+ the above but with significant polish or detail, or if you want 4+ characters or bigger lore or run it through our in-house worldbuild-optimizing/stabilizing-matrix-diffusion generator.

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